Plains Indian Headdresses | War Bonnets | Single & Double Trailers | Split Horn & Buffalo Horn

This trailer headdress featured in the film "Hyde Park on Hudson" (2012) starring Bill Murray. The headdress was worn by Jonathan Brewer playing the part of Ish-ti-opi

War Bonnets | Headdresses are custom made to order

All of our headdresses are hand beaded (lazy stitch or applique' brow bands in traditional colors - not loom beaded). All feathers are hand wrapped, sewn hand painted with trade cloth/flannel or other material. The preferred color in the old days was red or yellow.  Feathers are decorated with horse hair, breath feathers, gypsum, buckskin/elk or fur on tips of feathers. We also utilize clay paints. Each headdress is antiqued to look old (if required)

Deer skin or Elk skull caps are covered with feathers, ermine, Buffalo fur, otter, or other fur - and applied in various ways. Headdresses are adorned with buffalo hair, ribbon, ermine, quill work, braided leather, bead work, feather side drops, aged tin cones, ribbon, hawk bells and dance bells, etc

Johnny Depp wearing one of our war bonnets from the movie “Finding Neverland” (Miramax)

Blackfoot standup up headdress ca.1880

Native Arts Trading were featured in Native Peoples for our headdress | war bonnets

Replica Arapaho war bonnets (see more photographs below)

Based on a museum Sioux war bonnet | headdress with lazy stitch beadwork, deer skin cap, buffalo wool on cap, trade cloth, antelope, studs, ermine, calico, etc.

made for a client in Montana

 Inspired by one of Iron Tail's trailers (or Cinte Muzza) an Oglala Sioux. He fought at the battle of Little Bighorn. He also performed with Buffalo Bill’sWildWest Show during the 1890's and with the Miller Brothers 101 Ranch Wild West show from 1913 to 1916. He died of pneumonia on May 28, 1916 while traveling to his homeland, the hills of d South Dakota. Iron Tail was one of three models for the Indian Head nickel.

Plains Indian War Bonnet with rolled ermine

This double trailer headdress is in a private collection in Wyoming


Many deeds have I done and for each I have earned a feather from the eagle, Great Spirit. I have hunted and counted coup on many enemies and have proved myself to be worthy of this crown. My teepee, my home and the circle of life are represented here along with the blessings of the elk and deer. The ermine of richness hangs from each side and I have done well. I am Chief and I am proud.

Inspired by a Brulé Sioux war bonnet | headdress featuring split buffalo horns, rolled ermine and cotton calico drops, buffalo fur, wrapped yellow feathers, etc


Headdress display at Tommy Hilfiger’s flagship store, New York

Tommy Hilfiger headdress | war bonnet - not antiqued to look old


Back of a headdress war bonnet featuring two painted bears. Painted with earth pigment paints,

Sioux trailer headdress based  on Catalogue No. E357469 SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTE. Custom made for a client in Pennsylvania.


The original headdress is in the Denver Art Museum. Buffalo fur, horns, trade cloth, seed beads, hawk bells, human hair, sinew, shell, beads, hackles and feather fluffs, deer skin, etc

Made for a client in Chicago

Based on a headdress worn by Two Moons - Cheyenne (c. 1847–1917), or Ishaynishus (Cheyenne: Éše'he Ôhnéšesêstse) with buffalo fur | hand polished buffalo horns, calico, feathers, hawk bell, lazy stitch beadwork, glass seed beads, red fox fur, ermine, etc.

Back of headdress showing beaded major plume and cap covered with tufts of ermine, fluffs and horse hair colored with earth pigment paints..

Our War Bonnet | Headdresses are made with a buckskin cap and covered with  buffalo fur, otter fur, feathers, or ermine, etc


Plains Indian trailer headdress with beaded symbology on trailer, rolled ermine, beaded rosettes, etc.

This single trailer headdress was created for a private collector in Pennsylvania to their remit. He wanted a headdress that featured blue and white beads with blue calico feather wraps. This headdress was not antiqued.

The trailer on this one was also edge beaded

Sioux Headdress | War Bonnet, made for a client in Norway


Trailer headdress with Lance

Hair ornament

Replica Blackfoot flared  war bonnet based on a museum example. Made for clients in Colorado & Montana

Custom Plains Indian single trailer headdress made for a client in the States with calico / red trade cloth trailer, hand dyed horse hair with clay paints, fur, buffalo hair, hawk bells, ermine, etc

Split horn headdress made for a client in Finland

Replica of a Cheyenne war bonnet | headdress featuring brass conchos, ermine coup dots and drops, brass beads, curled horse hair, etc.

Made for the Buffalo Point Museum, Lake of the Woods - Manitoba Ontario. Ojibwe Man's headdress with crow wings and hawk feather replica circa 1880

Moose hide/skin, crow feather/feathers, hawk feather/feathers, cotton cloth

hair ornament was based on the one worn by Kicking Bird (Lakota: Ziŋtká Nagwáka) - in "Dances with Wolves" hand painted eagle feathers, rawhide, wild turkey, etc

Based on a Sioux trailer headdress 

Close up of beaded double rosettes

Based on Yellow Calf's headdress | war bonnet (Arapaho Chief) - British Museum. Headdress features many elements such as a short silk dark blue trailer with feathers & ermine drops, embroidered rosettes on velvet with netting & wool, small feathers at base, amber horn tube beads, etc

Based on a Hunkpapa Lakota headdress | war bonnet. Custom made for a client in the States


Replica of Red Cloud’s trailer headdress for a client in Colorado.

(Although the original headdress has been labelled Sioux by the museum, it does have similarities & traits to that of the Plateau | Great Basin regions)

Red Cloud (Lakota: Maȟpíya Lúta; c. 1822 – December 10, 1909

Replica of Packs the Hat (Crow) trailer headdress from the Brinton Museum.  Made for a client in Montana.

 Back of trailer headdress covered with feathers

Trailer headdress

Based on Sitting Bull’s war bonnet (Lakota: Tȟatȟáŋka Íyotake) c. 1837 – December 15, 1890 (Hunkpapa Lakota Sioux)

BUFFALO HEADDRESS | MEDICINE MAN’S HEADDRESS with polished female buffalo horns, buffalo fur, trade cloth, ribbon, cotton calico, glass seed beads, fluffs, tin cones, deer leg sinew, clay paints, mirrors, deer skin, etc.

Made for a client in the USA. A war bonnet | headdress similar to this one was also made for TOMMY HILFIGER's global flagship store in Manhattan

 This headdress is based on the one presented to Calvin Coolidge in 1927. Now in the Calvin Coolidge library. There is a lot of beadwork on this split trailer. It is edge beaded with 8 beaded motifs on each side.  Not antiqued to look old.

war bonnet commissioned by Stage One - a nationally acclaimed professional theatre in Louisville Kentucky


Blackfoot flared war bonnet inspired by a museum example with strips of ermine on brow band, tufts of buffalo fur on cap, rolled ermine and feather drops, gypsum coup dots, earth pigment paint colored horse hair, etc